Economics Terminology
Active Market :- This is a term used by stock exchange which specifies the particular stock or share which deals in frequent and regular transactions. It helps the buyers to obtain reasonably large amounts at any time. Administered Price :- The administrative body e.g., the government a marketing board or a trading group determines this price. The competitive market force are not entitled to determine this price. The government fixes a price in accordance with demand supply portion in the market. Ad-valorem Tax :- Ad-valorem tax is a kind of indirect tax in which goods are taxed by their values. In the case of ad-volorem tax, the tax amount is calculated as the proportion of the price of the goods. Value added Tax (VAT) is an ad-volorem Tax. Advanced Countries :- Advanced countries are countries which are industrially advanced, having high national and per capita income and ensure high rate of capital formation. These countries possess highly developed infrastr...