How to Multiply with base of 1000 – Vedic Multiplication – Lesson Four

What we have done so for? Multiply with base of 100, Multiply with base of 10. Now, we learn how to multiply with base of 1000.
Let’s take first example.
Example 1 .Multiply 787 by 998
Deviation of 998 is –002, and Deviation of 787 is –213.
787    -213 
998    -002
(787-002) or (998-213) | (213x2)
Solving above, we get
787   -213 
998   -002
785 | 426
Hence, 787x998 = 785426
Let's take another example when right-hand-side contains two digits.
Example 2. Multiply 995 by 987
Deviation of 995 is –005, and Deviation of 987 is –013.
987    -013 
995    -005
(987-005) or (995-013) | (13x5)
Solving above, we get
987   -013 
995   -005
982 | 065
As I already explained in previous post that how many Zeros(0) a base will have that many digits right side will contain. Here base is 1000, so it will contain 3 digits on the left side.
Hence, 987x995 = 982065
Now, another example when we got carry on right hand side. Example 3 .Multiply 770 by 990
Deviation of 990 is –010, and Deviation of 770 is –230.
770    -230  
990    -010
(770-010) or (990-230) | (230x10)
Solving above, we get
770   -230  
990   -010
760 | 2300
Here, we get carry 2, simply add it to left side as we do in natural addition.
Hence, 770x990 = 762300
In this post I just focus on examples. If you not able to understand yet, you can check the previous post. Where I explained full step by step methods.


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